From Sovereignty To Servitude

How the 14th and 16th Amendments and the Federal Reserve transformed the Republic into a corporate debt system.

Note: While this may seem like a boring read (at first), one must realize that this scam, which makes us subject to a system that depletes our wealth and property, was only allowed to happen because we, the people, were never willing to pay attention to the details of what our so-called “leaders” have been doing… especially since 1913. So, … it’s time! … Start reading. Spend a little time with this writing so that your eyes will open to this scam. It is, in fact, the only way that we, the people, can turn this disaster around and stop it. It isn’t enough that we have a conservative shift in the federal government at the moment. Profound and radical changes to our system of currency must occur. And I mean yesterday! All liberty is lost thanks to the green dollar bill always representing “debt” in your pocket.

The transformation of the United States from a constitutional republic to a dual entity system functioning both as a Republican trusteeship and as a corporate entity represents a seismic shift in governance, economic structure, and individual sovereignty.

Let us explore how the 14th and 16th Amendments and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 altered the constitutional framework, redefining the relationship between the federal government, the states, and the citizenry. By examining these reforms’ legal, financial, and societal impacts, we will highlight how the American people became the ultimate guarantors of a corporate debt system with profound implications for taxation, citizenship, and governance.


The United States Constitution established a republic predicated on decentralized governance, state sovereignty, and the primacy of individual rights. Under this framework, the federal government was a trustee with limited enumerated powers. However, three key developments;

  1. the 14th Amendment of 1868,
  2. the 16th Amendment of 1913, and
  3. the Federal Reserve Act of 1913,

fundamentally altered this balance.

These measures introduced “federal citizenship,” direct income taxation, and centralized monetary control, thus shifting sovereignty from the states and individuals to the federal government. We will examine how these reforms, designed to address the challenges of reconstruction, industrialization, and economic instability, also created a corporate entity operating parallel to the Constitutional Republic.

Through this lens, the federal government’s role as “trustee” and “corporate debtor” emerges with “14th Amendment citizens” serving as the collateral underpinning this debt system.

The Constitutional Framework of 1789

The Constitution of 1789 established the United States as a Republican form of government characterized by decentralized sovereignty. Sovereignty resided with the states and their citizens, and the federal government acted as a trustee for limited powers.

Enumerated Federal Powers

Article 1 Section 8 strictly enumerated federal powers, ensuring states retain significant authority.

Taxation and Commerce

Federal taxation was restricted to indirect taxes, tariffs, and excises or direct taxes apportioned among the states by population. This framework ensured that the federal government served the states and the people, safeguarding individual rights and natural sovereignty. 

Reconstruction and the 14th Amendment

The aftermath of the Civil War necessitated significant legal and societal changes, leading to the ratification of the 14th Amendment in 1868. While it aimed to protect the rights of newly freed slaves, “its implications extended far beyond its immediate context”.

Federal Citizenship.

The 14th Amendment introduced a new category of federal citizenship, distinct from state citizenship. It created direct federal jurisdiction. Individuals became subject to federal laws and obligations, including taxation and debt repayment.

Privileges versus Rights

Federal citizens were “granted privileges “and “immunities” rather than unalienable rights, shifting from natural sovereignty to a privileges-based framework.

Public Debt Clause

The Public Debt Clause Section 4 of the 14th Amendment ensured that the public debt of the United States “shall not be questioned“. This clause linked federal citizens to the obligation of “repaying national debt,” positioning the people as guarantors of federal financial stability. 

This clause marked the first significant shift toward a centralized system of governance and finance.

How It Was Done

The Rise of the Corporate Federal Government

The passage of the Act of 1871 formalized the dual entity nature of the federal government.

Creation of a Municipal Corporation

Washington, D.C., was incorporated as a distinct corporate entity, often referred to as the United States.

Expansion of Corporate Powers

The federal government “began to operate under corporate law“, which was distinct from its constitutional role as a trustee.

Dual Structure

The United States functioned “both” as a “constitutional republic” and “corporate debtor,” setting the stage for future financial reforms.

The Progressive Era and the 16th Amendment

The 16th Amendment, ratified in 1913, introduced a federal income tax. While it appeared to expand the federal government’s taxing power, its implications were more nuanced.

Excise Tax on Federal Privileges

The income tax was an excise tax on federal privileges, such as using federal reserve notes introduced in 1913. 

Engagement and Activities Tied to Federal Jurisdiction or Benefits

The application to federal citizens’ income taxation was primarily applied to 14th Amendment citizens who were subject to federal jurisdiction. Under the original constitutional framework, state citizens would not have been inherently liable unless they engaged in federally regulated activities.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Debt Economy

The Federal Reserve Act centralized monetary control, creating a “debt-based system” using “fiat” currency.

Federal Reserve Notes as Privileges

The Federal Reserve introduced a “fiat” currency, “Federal Reserve notes,” initially backed by gold but later sustained by public trust and government debt.

Monetization of Debt

The Federal Reserve enabled the government to issue bonds with repayment guaranteed by future tax revenues from federal citizens. This enablement created a perpetual debt economy reliant on borrowing… a system where the people’s labor and income served as collateral for federal obligations.

The 1933 Bankruptcy and Social Security

The great depression and subsequent abandonment of the gold standard in 1933 marked a turning point.

National Bankruptcy

The corporate United States assumed massive debts while transitioning to a full fiat currency system.

Social Security and Federal Enfranchisement

The Social Security Act of 1935 formalized federal citizenship “by tying individuals to federal obligations” through social security numbers. 

The People as Creditors

The cumulative effect of the 14th Amendment, 16th Amendment, and the Federal Reserve Act made the American people the ultimate guarantors of federal debt!!!

Tax Revenue as Collateral

Income taxes provided a reliable stream of revenue to repay public debt.

Labor and Productivity

The people’s labor and income underpinned the credit system, positioning them as creditors to the corporate United States.

Conclusion – The Corporate Debt System

The transformation of the United States into a dual entity system, functioning as both a constitutional republic and a corporate entity, fundamentally altered the nature of governance and citizenship, deceiving the people (“nationals“) of the united States of America republic into sacrificing their constitutionally protected natural rights to corporate contracts becoming United States “Citizens”1 (“subjects“).

The 14th Amendment, 16th Amendment, and the Federal Reserve Act created a framework where the people became the ultimate guarantors of federal debt.

Federal privileges, such as the use of fiat currency, became the basis for “excise” taxation. Sovereignty shifted from the states and individuals to a centralized corporate system. 

This history reflects the transition from a republic based on natural rights to a centralized system of financial dependence with far-reaching implications for governance, taxation, and individual sovereignty.

How was this done?

Why weren’t the people of the time alert enough to stop this? One can only guess at the reasons why. However, the deviousness of the Jekyll Island2 meeting of central bankers crafted a plan that would allow their system to be employed both “lawfully” (constitutionally) and “legally” (a corporate contractual framework that they created).

These diabolical men knew that their system would have to be voluntary for their scheme to pass constitutional muster. The creation of THE UNITED STATES (a corporation not to be confused with the united States of America republic) became something “the people” individually volunteered to contract with “by signing forms and giving implicit authority to corporate officers“.

For example, you surrender your constitutionally protected rights to a private contract when you;

  • sign applications for licenses of all kinds,
  • sign tax forms such as 1040 and W4,
  • sign traffic citations,
  • register birth certificates, which become publicly traded financial instruments,
  • register automobiles, which become “motor vehicles,”
  • Register corporations that become subject to all statutes and executive orders that have nothing to do with actual common law, where there is no crime unless there is an injured party (human being).
  • Accepting Miranda by “understanding”.3

The people” have “volunteered for their servitude” to this debt-based system, wherein “inflation” (a tool of the bankers) coupled with “bail-outs” diminishes wealth and extracts all property from a population over time. “The people” actually allowed themselves to believe the preposterous notion that a 2 to 3% inflation rate is healthy for an economy. While, at the same time, over the course of 100 years, the majority of wealth has been completely usurped from the people and put in the hands of central bankers and their corporations.

Get Informed

There are a multitude of websites and books that you can read and follow to learn more about this deception and what you can do about it. An informed and educated people will be required for a massive shift from this statutory corporate system to “common law“, which was and is the foundation of this great nation. will provide basic information on this topic and offer a knowledge base that will grow with Americans’ support. The knowledge base provides material that will help one navigate the statutory system as a “national“(i.e. a “sovereign“) But you shouldn’t stop there. It is difficult to use search engines to dig deep into this topic, as its subject matter has been censored with deceit and propaganda from its start in 1913. Because so many generations have passed, everyone alive today accepts this system as “the norm“. Nobody alive today is actually living in liberty. The return of liberty will require that people are willing to dig deep into the body of legislation from the Civil War on to the present day. It may sound daunting, but it is the difference between falling into a dystopian future for ourselves and our children or restoring the original noble concept of natural law, the Magna Carte, and the American Constitution. In reality, it isn’t that daunting once you get started. So, let’s get busy.

  1. A “national” is sovereign and possess supreme authority. A “citizen” is a subject and must obey a supreme authority. ↩︎
  2. The Jekyll Island meeting of bankers took place in 1910. This secret meeting was attended by six men, including Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davison, Frank Vanderlip, Benjamin Strong, and Paul Warburg, who conspired to privatize the US money system and create a central banking system, which eventually led to the formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. The meeting was held at the Jekyll Island Club in Georgia, and its purpose was to draft a plan for a central bank that would stabilize the US financial system and prevent future economic crises like the Panic of 1907. ↩︎
  3. When an “Officer of the Law” (“officer” is a corporate term) asks you if you “understand” the statement he just made, he is asking you if you “stand under” his authority as a corporate officer. In other words, you are at that moment implicitly accepting a contract with the corporation. You have just sacrificed your constitutional rights and now must submit to the statutory corporate system. This is because the constitution of the republic guarantees your unlimited right to contract. The UNITED STATES CORPORATION and STATE OF STATE CORPORATIONS have deceived you into accepting a contract to which you were not obliged. “YOU VOLUNTEERED!!!”And it is, therefore, within the bounds of the constitution. ↩︎


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