The Jewish People and the Propaganda War: History, Conflict, and Media Manipulation

The history of the Jewish people is one of resilience in the face of persecution and displacement. For thousands of years, Jews have endured expulsion from their ancestral homeland, attacks on their culture and religion, and efforts to exterminate them. This article explores the historical cycles of Jewish displacement, the rise of Islamic ideologies that have fueled conflict, and the modern propaganda efforts that have distorted the narrative surrounding Israel and its legitimate claim to sovereignty.

A History of Displacement

The Jewish connection to the land of Israel dates back over 3,000 years. In fact, there are Jewish artifacts that have been carbon dated to approximately 5,000 years old. The Bible and other ancient records detail the establishment of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, making the Jews the indigenous people of the region. However, from the earliest times, Jewish sovereignty has been disrupted by foreign powers:

1. Babylonian Exile (586 BCE): The Babylonians destroyed the First Temple in Jerusalem and exiled many Jews to Babylon.

2. Roman Exile (70 CE): The Roman Empire crushed a Jewish revolt, which arose in response to heavy taxation and restrictions on religious practices, destroyed the Second Temple, and exiled Jews from Jerusalem. This marked the beginning of the diaspora.

3. Islamic Conquests (7th Century CE): Following the rise of Islam, Jews and Christians in the region were subjected to dhimmitude” [i]  —  a system of subjugation that imposed heavy taxes and restrictions on non-Muslims.

4. European Expulsions (Middle Ages): In medieval Europe, Jews were expelled from England (1290), France (1306), Spain (1492), and other nations, often scapegoated for societal ills.

Despite centuries of exile, Jewish communities maintained their cultural and religious ties to the land of Israel, praying for their return.

The Rise of Islam and Its Impact

Islam emerged in the 7th century CE with the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings, as recorded in the Quran. While early Islamic texts speak of “People of the Book” (Jews and Christians) with some level of respect, they also contain verses advocating for “subjugation” [ii] or violence against those who do not convert to Islam. Radical Islam goes so far as to repeatedly call for “death to the infidel” (the infidel being any non-muslim). This dual ethos set the stage for centuries of conflict:

1. Conquest and Dhimmitude: Islamic armies rapidly conquered the Middle East, including the Jewish homeland. Jews and Christians were allowed to live under Islamic rule but faced heavy restrictions and a barbaric second-class status. Non-Muslims could be subjected to theft, physical harm, and arbitrary humiliation without recourse, underscoring the oppressive nature of dhimmitude. To make this a bit clearer, any muslim could attack, denigrate, rape, stone, and murder any Jew or Christian at any time and it was legal under their law. You could be minding your own business going about your day, and a muslim could just walk up to you, torture you and kill you. And, this became normal activity as the Jews and Christians were forced into this second class tier.

2. The Crusades: Islamic expansion into historically Christian territories, coupled with the existential threat of Muslim conquest over the entirety of the known world and the potential extermination of non-Muslims, prompted the Crusades. These were a series of religious wars initiated by European Christians to reclaim the Holy Land and protect Christendom from further encroachment. In other words, Christians and Jews had to take up arms against the Muslims in order to prevent their extinction or relegation to lives of enslaved brutal servitude.

3. Modern Conflicts: The long-standing Islamic view of Jews as subjugated dhimmis has fueled hostility, particularly as Jews reclaimed sovereignty over Israel in the 20th century.

The Formation of Modern Palestine

The notion of a distinct Palestinian identity is a relatively modern development. Before the 20th century, the term “Palestine” referred to a geographical region rather than a national identity. During Ottoman rule (1517-1917), the area was sparsely populated and lacked any cohesive governance or distinct Palestinian culture. Key points include:

1. Arab Migration: Much of the Arab population in “Palestine” arrived during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, drawn by economic opportunities created by Jewish agricultural development.

2. British Mandate: After World War I, Britain was tasked with administering Palestine and facilitating the establishment of a Jewish homeland as outlined in the Balfour Declaration (1917).

3. Arab Rejectionism: Local Arab leaders rejected proposals for Jewish-Arab coexistence, including the 1947 UN Partition Plan, which would have created separate Jewish and Arab states. To this day, the people living in Palestine have not accepted the idea of coexistence with Israel, consistently opposing its right to exist as a sovereign state. Their response to any effort to create two states is to engage in ”pogrom” [iii].

Propaganda and the Global Narrative

One of the most damaging weapons in the Arab-Israeli conflict has been the use of propaganda. Islamic teachings, including the concept of taqiyya (a doctrine that permits deception to advance a cause), have enabled the spread of false narratives about Israel. In other words, radical Islamists encourages lie to promote a Muslim-only world:

1. Demonization of Israel: Hamas and other groups perpetuate the lie that Israel is an apartheid state, despite Israel’s vibrant democracy, where 20 to 25% of its population is Arab, enjoying equal rights and representation in its political system.

2. Erasure of Jewish History: Palestinian leaders have denied the historical Jewish connection to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, despite overwhelming archaeological and historical evidence.

3. Glorification of Terrorism: Groups like Hamas openly call for the destruction of Israel. Their charter states: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam obliterates it.” The indoctrination of children and the celebration of suicide bombers have become central to their strategy. Shockingly, Hamas utilizes media aimed at children, including a Mickey Mouse-like character, to teach kindergarten-aged kids to hate Jews and aspire to kill them. They even organize play sessions where children are given toy swords to symbolically stab Jews, embedding these hateful ideologies at a formative age.

4. Wealthy Influence and Propaganda Funding: Wealthy individuals, corporations, and foundations have massively funded anti-Israel and pro-Hamas propaganda. This financial backing has fueled the dissemination of misleading narratives that portray Israel as the aggressor and Hamas as a legitimate resistance movement. Among the most notable figures, George Soros has been linked to funding organizations like Antifa, which infiltrate college campuses and protests, often stirring up hatred and further polarizing discourse. These well-funded campaigns amplify falsehoods and distortions, influencing global media, academia, and public opinion, further polarizing the international community on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Role of Hamas and Global Support for Terrorism

Hamas, designated as a terrorist organization by many countries, has been explicit in its goal to destroy Israel. It uses civilians as human shields, fires rockets from schools and hospitals, and diverts international aid to fund its military operations.

Governments around the world, under the guise of providing relief aid for Palestinians, have sent hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars, despite knowing that the Hamas government intercepts most of it and uses it to build its military apparatus. Notably, President Biden recently gave access to six billion dollars to Iran, fully aware that this would increase Iran’s ability to fund Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terror groups dedicated to Israel’s destruction. (It is likely that the October 7th attack on Israel would not have happened had this funding not been freed up.)

Despite this intense hatred and violent action against Israel, global propaganda efforts have painted Hamas as a resistance movement rather than a terrorist entity. This distortion has fueled anti-Israel sentiment worldwide, leading to:

•  Boycotts, Divestments, and Sanctions (BDS) movements targeting Israel.

•  Misrepresentation of Israel’s defensive actions as aggression.

•  A rise in antisemitic incidents globally.


The Warsaw Ghetto Boy photo is one of the most iconic and haunting images of the Holocaust, symbolizing the suffering of Jewish people under Nazi rule. It was taken during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in April-May 1943. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was the 1943 act of Jewish resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto in German-occupied Poland during World War II to oppose Nazi Germany’s final effort to transport the remaining Jewish population to the gas chambers of the Majdanek and Treblinka extermination camps.

The Jewish people have faced persecution and displacement for millennia, yet they have remained steadfast in their connection to the land of Israel. The modern state of Israel is a testament to their resilience and right to self-determination. However, the battle is not just physical but ideological, as propaganda and historical revisionism threaten to obscure the truth. Recognizing and combating these distortions is essential to ensuring a future of peace in the Middle East.

President Trump will likely be responsible for eliminating much of the propaganda that is currently being disseminated, simply through bringing the real views (vs the propaganda) to light, both in action and verbally. The world-at-large is currently being indoctrinated with a false history and it must end for the sake of a peaceful world.

We certainly do not want to have to repeat the “Holy Crusades” again! We are truly on the cusp of this becoming a reality. And it will happen unless the western world begins mass deportation of the egregious and overwhelming number of illegal immigrants coming from the middle east. If people of one culture have no desire to assimilate, then violence will most certainly erupt. It is their very intention to “not” assimilate, but to take over and impose their Shariah Law” 1 on the entire world.

[i] Dhimmitude is a term that refers to the historical status and treatment of dhimmis—non-Muslims (primarily Jews and Christians, but also Zoroastrians and others) living under Islamic rule. The concept originates from Islamic jurisprudence (Sharia) and is based on agreements, such as the Pact of Umar, that granted dhimmis protection in exchange for specific obligations.

Key Aspects of Dhimmitude:

1. Legal Status– Dhimmis were allowed to practice their religion but were subject to Islamic law in various ways.

2. Jizya Tax– Dhimmis were required to pay a special tax called jizya, which was viewed as a form of tribute in exchange for protection and exemption from military service.

3. Social Restrictions– Dhimmis often faced restrictions on public religious expression, the construction of places of worship, clothing regulations, and legal disadvantages in cases involving Muslims.

4. Protection and Subjugation– While granted safety and religious autonomy, dhimmis had an inferior status compared to Muslims and were expected to demonstrate submission to Islamic rulers.

5. Historical Application– The implementation of dhimmitude varied by time and place, with some Islamic empires enforcing it strictly, while others granted dhimmis greater freedoms.

[ii] Subjugation, in the context of 7th-century Muhammad’s teachings in the Quran, was the enforcement of Islamic dominance over non-Muslims, either through conversion, military conquest, or the imposition of jizya and restrictions on dhimmis. These policies helped establish a hierarchical structure where Muslims were the ruling class and non-Muslims were subjugated under Islamic authority.

[iii] A pogrom is a violent, organized massacre or attack, often against a particular ethnic, religious, or social group. The term is most commonly associated with anti-Jewish riots and massacres that occurred in Eastern Europe and Russia, particularly in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Key Characteristics of Pogroms:

1. Targeted Violence – Pogroms were typically directed at Jewish communities.

2. State Involvement or Indifference – Many pogroms were either encouraged by authorities or allowed to continue without intervention.

3. Mass Killings and Destruction – Pogroms involved murder, looting, rape, and the destruction of homes, businesses, and synagogues, similar to the Oct 7th attack.

4. Historical Context– Pogroms were particularly prevalent in the Russian Empire, where Jews were restricted to living in the Pale of Settlement and faced intense persecution.

Examples of Pogroms:

•  Kishinev Pogrom (1903)– One of the most infamous pogroms in Tsarist Russia, resulting in the deaths of dozens of Jews and widespread destruction.

•  Odessa Pogroms (19th and early 20th century)– Multiple large-scale attacks on the Jewish population in the city of Odessa.

•  Kristallnacht (1938)– Though not called a pogrom at the time, Nazi Germany’s “Night of Broken Glass” bore many of the same characteristics, involving state-sponsored violence against Jews.

  1. Shariah Law is the legal and moral code derived from the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, encompassing all aspects of a Muslim’s life, including personal, social, and political matters. While many Muslims view it as a guide for ethical living, some interpretations of Shariah advocate for its imposition as a comprehensive legal system, replacing secular governance. Historically, Islamic empires sought to expand their influence by bringing conquered regions under Shariah, often imposing it alongside the subjugation of non-Muslim populations through systems like dhimmitude. In modern times, radical Islamist groups and some political movements aim to implement Shariah globally, seeing it as the ultimate system of justice, clashing with the principles of secular democracies, and all other faith-based religion. ↩︎

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    The Jewish People and the Propaganda War: History, Conflict, and Media Manipulation
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