The United States of America was founded on the principles of individual liberty, self-governance, and constitutional law. Yet, today, the Republic envisioned by the Founding Fathers has been systematically eroded. This document explores the historical foundations, legal transformations, and the deleterious implications of these changes on personal freedom and national sovereignty.
For the sake of clarity and understanding, it is recommended that you fully read the article without referencing the end notes. And, then, go back through and review the end notes. These end notes are designed to further clarify your understanding of the difference between law and statutes.
The House Left Empty
The Republic established by the Constitution of the United States of America was a unique political structure designed to uphold personal liberty through common law, separation of powers, and government accountability. However, a shift towards centralized authority, economic dependence, and legal entanglements has resulted in a nation where the true Republic exists in name only. The transition from a Constitutional Republic to a democracy based on mass governance and bureaucratic control has led to a gradual loss of personal sovereignty and individual rights.
Divine Right vs. Popular Sovereignty
Throughout history, rulers have claimed divine authority to justify their power over individuals. The American Revolution rejected this concept, establishing a government based on consent rather than monarchical decree. However, modern legislative practices and judicial interpretations have reinstated a system where individuals are once again subject to governing bodies without explicit consent, mirroring feudal subjugation.
The Shift from Republicanism to Democracy
A Republic is based on the rule of law, protecting individual rights of the minority against the tyranny of the majority. Democracy, however, often devolves into majority rule, where popular opinion rather than constitutional principles dictate laws. In the democracy presented to us as our government, you contract with “a registered corporation“ called “UNITED STATES” and “STATE OF STATE”1and lose your constitutional protection of natural rights to the “contract” to which you have obligated yourself.
The Republic’s Constitution guarantees your right to “unlimited contract”. And you, through deception by our “statutory, corporate façade of a government”, are obligated to honor that contract. Every license, registration, certificate, and citation you sign is a contract with that “statutory, corporate façade of a government“. Over the decades, the “UNITED STATES” (the corporate name that sounds like “the united States of America“[i] republic) has convinced you and the rest of the public that we are a “democracy” in which elected representatives legislate based on political pressure rather than adherence to the Constitution, resulting in an expansive government and diminishing individual autonomy.
Through deception, you are led to believe you have autonomy through measures such as the Civil Rights and Disabilities Acts, among others. But these are actually statutes of a corporation — to which you have unwittingly contracted — that you are obligated to obey or face penalties (for “statutory violations”). There is no guarantee of rights. Legislation and fallacious and malicious “executive orders” grant you privileges and legislation can take them away. In the so-called democracy, 100% of the people must obey the whims of a 51% majority. Worse yet, we all must obey corrupt officials who vote for corporations and themselves – not you and I.
In our Republic, your individual rights are protected even in the face of infringing “laws”. Notice I used the word “law” this time. “legal” and “lawful” are two different things. “Law” refers to “common law” under the Republic. “Legal” refers to the statutes of a corporation. Within all 50 states and federal government statutes, there is a new definition for the word “law”. A law is defined as a statute. So, when the corporation says, “It’s the law”, it is enforcing a deception… completely blinding you as to the difference between “lawful” and “legal”.
The Role of Law: Private vs. Public Jurisdiction
The distinction between “private” and “public” law is crucial in understanding how governance has evolved. Originally, private law governed individual contracts and personal agreements. In contrast, public law was limited to regulating interactions between the government and the governed. However, public municipal law has expanded into private matters, enforcing regulatory compliance that was once outside the scope of government authority. This expansion has been a key mechanism for eroding individual sovereignty.
The 14th Amendment and Its Controversies
One of the most significant changes to the UNITED STATES legal framework (by now you should understand that I am referencing the corporation masquerading as your government) came with the 14th Amendment. Presumably designed to protect civil rights, its vague language has been used to redefine citizenship, jurisdiction, and government control over individuals. The amendment effectively established a “federal citizenship” that supersedes “state sovereignty”, placing individuals under direct federal authority and making them subject to a “legal” system that operates outside traditional constitutional constraints.
It should be noted that we are, first, “nationals” of the state in which we were born or are domiciled[ii]. Nationals are the true Americans. The “Sovereigns”. The word “citizen” means “subject”. The word “sovereign” means “king”. The Magna Carte[iii], the Declaration of Independence[iv], the Constitution for the united States of America, and the Bill of Rights[v] recognize the sovereign authority of the people who create governments. The government is the “citizen”subjected to the people’s authority.
Economic Control and Legal Subjugation
Financial policies and legal mandates have played a significant role in shifting power away from individuals. Removing the gold standard, implementing fiat currency, and establishing a centralized banking system has created an economic framework where government policy rather than market principles control personal wealth and financial autonomy.
The bankers at “Jekyll Island”[vi] were truly diabolical. They did, indeed, laugh all the way to the bank when the public bought the “Federal Reserve Note Scam” hook, line, and sinker. I cannot fathom how an entire nation “ever” believed that any inflation rate is “healthy. … 3%?! … healthy!?” Most of this started in 1913 and got really bad by 1933 when bankruptcy was declared, the gold was confiscated, and the government implemented debt instruments instead of money2.
We have only a fraction of a percent of the purchasing power we had in the early 20th century when all of this started. This loss of purchasing power happens when you allow the government to tax you 3% or more a year (any percentage for that matter) via “inflation”. Inflation[vii] is an insane concept that everyone… and I mean “everyone”… considers to be a normal part of life.
Additionally, licensing requirements, taxation, and regulatory oversight have further entrenched economic dependence on government structures.
Restoring the Republic: A Path Forward
Understanding the legal and economic mechanisms that have led to the erosion of the Republic is the first step toward reclaiming individual liberty. Legal expatriation[viii], self-governance, and economic independence[ix] are avenues through which individuals can reassert their sovereignty. Utilizing constitutional provisions, such as the right to contract[x] and due process, allows for lawful disengagement from coercive government policies.
Conclusion: The Republic Reclaimed
The United States was founded on principles that ensured personal freedom, limited government, and lawful governance based on individual consent. These principles have been undermined through legislative expansion, judicial reinterpretation, and economic manipulation. However, the foundation of the Republic still exists within constitutional law, and reclaiming it is not only possible but necessary for preserving the liberties envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
This document serves as a guide to understanding the transformation of “the united States” to ”UNITED STATES” legal and political system, providing insights into how individuals can navigate and counteract governmental overreach.
True freedom comes not from reliance on political institutions but from personal responsibility and a commitment to lawful self-governance.
Join “my” Private Member Association called “Gar’s World” and support my endeavors. I am happy to provide information and insight. I am happy to pick on “democrats”!!! Why!? Because “democracy“ was considered evil by our founding fathers, who created a “republic”. Don’t be offended if you are a “democrat”. After the past 8 years or so, many people have realized that they actually are not democrats.
If you have read this far, then you definitively are not part of the woke mob. I know this because they are so intolerant that they cannot even read something and consider it for two seconds if it is not part of their MSM (mainstream media) and “academia” echo chamber.
You “are” welcome here. I’ll provide lots of awesome music, photography, art, media, commentary, and “information on the true nature of our republic”. I am motivated to “turn this world on” – to the true “liberty” that is ours for the taking.
“LIBERTY!!!” — Something that not a single person alive today has “actually” experienced.
[i] In the early years of the nation, from the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the years just after the signing of the Constitution for the united States of America, you will see different capitalization styled. The Declaration of Independence, in particular, use the small ‘u’, the united States of America, as a means of declaring that we are a collection of “sovereign states“. ‘united’ is an adjective in this case, rather than being part of a noun. These are important distinctions. When studying the styles used throughout the history of legislation it makes a huge difference on the intention and interpretation of both laws and statutes. Justices adhere to these standards. Judicial decisions will make much more sense to you when you understand that they are actually interpreting “the letter of the law”.
[ii] “domicile” is the appropriate term for a national… an American. “resident” is a legal term in statutes. When in court, or filing legal documents, you call yourself a resident; or when you say you “reside” at an address, you are unwittingly claiming to be a Citizen of the United States (the legal entity, not the living man/woman). The legal system of all 50 states and federally allow police, judges, prosecutors and more, the ability if not duty to make presumptions. They do not have to inform you. You must rebut presumptions that you don’t even know they are making. In other words, this is another way in which you unwittingly subject yourselves to contract with the “statutory, corporate façade of a government“.
[iii] The “Magna Carta”, signed in 1215 by King John of England under pressure from rebellious barons, is one of the most significant legal documents in history. While originally intended to limit the king’s absolute power and protect the feudal rights of the nobility, it laid the foundation for the principle that no ruler is above the law. It came to symbolize the idea that individuals possess inherent rights and that government must be accountable to the people. It established the precedent that leaders must rule with the consent of the governed, influencing later constitutional developments.
[iv] The “Declaration of Independence“, adopted on “July 4, 1776“, is the foundational document of the United States, formally severing ties with Britain and asserting the American colonies’ right to self-governance. Drafted primarily by “Thomas Jefferson”, it boldly proclaims that “all men are created equal” and are endowed with “unalienable rights”, including “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”—rights that no government can justly take away. It establishes that legitimate government derives its power from the “consent of the governed” and that the people have the right to alter or abolish any government that becomes oppressive. More than a declaration of independence, it was a statement of universal human rights and a challenge to tyranny, shaping not only the future of the United States but also inspiring freedom movements worldwide.
[v] The “Bill of Rights”, ratified in 1791 as the first ten amendments to the Constitution for the united States of America, was designed to limit government power and safeguard the “natural rights” of individuals—rights that exist inherently and are not granted by the government. Its purpose was to ensure that freedoms such as speech, religion, self-defense, due process, and protection from tyranny were explicitly recognized and protected from government infringement. Crucially, the Bill of Rights does “not” create or grant these rights; rather, it affirms their preexistence, making it clear that they are “endowed by nature and cannot be revoked at the whim of the state“. If rights were granted by the government, they would be mere privileges subject to control and withdrawal—something the Founding Fathers sought to prevent.
[vi] The “meeting at Jekyll Island“ in 1910 was a secretive gathering of powerful bankers and political insiders that led to the creation of the “Federal Reserve System”—an institution that has since exerted immense control over the “UNITED STATES” economy and the financial lives of its “citizens”. Under the guise of stabilizing the banking system, this clandestine meeting laid the groundwork for a “central banking cartel” that would manipulate currency, inflate the money supply, and impose an economy of perpetual debt on the American people. By wresting control of monetary policy away from the people and their elected representatives, the Federal Reserve has facilitated inflation, economic crises, and the erosion of individual wealth, consolidating power in the hands of financial elites at the expense of national sovereignty and economic freedom.
[vii]“Inflation” occurs when the purchasing power of a currency declines due to an increase in its supply without a corresponding increase in goods and services. Fiat currency (i.e. dollars), which is not backed by a tangible asset, can be printed at will by governments and central banks, leading to inflation and devaluation over time. In contrast, a currency backed by a tangible asset, such as gold or silver is inherently limited in supply, as new issuance is constrained by the availability and extraction of the asset. Or, Bitcoin, having a fixed supply cannot be manipulated or diluted. This natural scarcity prevents arbitrary expansion of the money supply, making true inflation—where the currency loses value due to overproduction—impossible in the way it occurs with fiat money.
[viii] Legal Expatriation isn’t expatriating from the the Republic. it is separating yourself from the corporate “UNITED STATES” through a process of declarations, breaking all the contracts for which there was not full disclosure, etc. More information on this subject can be found at: Federation Of States.
[ix] Economic independence will require enough Americans to recognize that we must stop using Federal Reserve Notes (dollars) and switch to alternative currencies. GOLDBACKS(dollar-sized gold impregnated plastic) are becoming popular. And, of course, crypto is being recognized all over the world as a way to escape fiat currencies and the banking system. You should help out with this and start accumulating some silver, gold, and crypto.
[x] You have the right to contract, as mentioned earlier in this article. When you “register” an LLC or any other form of corporation (even 501c3) you have contracted with the “STATE or FEDERAL façade of a government” and you must obey. But, you can actually create a Private Membership Association, which is simply a contract between you and everyone working with you and all of your customers. [We shouldn’t use terms like “employee” and “customer”. These are statutorily defined terms. As is, “motor vehicle”, “driver” and many other words that when you use in court you are screwing yourself without even knowing it. ]
In statutory law (“UCC”) there is a standard naming convention that involves distinguishing between fictional entities (such as corporations) and non-fictional entities (such as individuals). This convention, often referred to as the “all caps” or “upper case” rule, suggests that: Fictional entities (e.g., corporations, limited liability companies, etc.) should have their names listed in all capital letters (e.g., “JOHN DOE” – the registered birth certificate security). Non-fictional entities (e.g., individuals) should have their names listed in proper case (e.g., “John Doe”). ↩︎
House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 On June 5, 1933, Congress passed House Joint Resolution (HJR 192). HJR 192 was passed to suspend the gold standard and abrogate the gold clause in the national constitution. Since then no one in America has been able to lawfully pay a debt. This resolution declared: “To assure uniform value to the coins and currencies of the Unites States, Whereas the holding of or dealing in gold affect public interest, and are therefore subject to proper regulation and restriction; and Whereas the existing emergency has disclosed that provisions of obligations which purport to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency of the United States, or in an amount in money of the United States measured thereby, obstruct the power of the Congress to regulate the value of the money of the United States, and are inconsistent with the declared policy of the Congress to maintain at all times the equal power of every dollar, coined or issued by the United States, in the markets and in the payment of debts,
Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of t Representative of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that
(a) every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give the obligee a right to require payments in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency, or in an amount in money of the United States measured thereby, is declared to be against public policy; and no such provision shall be contained in or made with respect to any obligation hereafter incurred. Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not any such provision is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar, in any coin or currency which at time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. Any such provision contained in any law authorizing obligations to be issued by or under authority of the United States, is herby repealed, but the repeal of any such provision shall not invalidate any other provision or authority contained in such law.
(b) As used in this resolution, the term ‘obligation’ means any obligation (including every obligation of and to the United States, excepting currency) payable in money of the United States; and the term ‘coin or currency’ means coin or currency of the United States, including Federal Reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal Reserve banks and national banking associations. Sec. 2 The last sentence of paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of section 43 of the Act entitled ‘An Act to relieve the existing national economic emergency by increasing agricultural purchasing power, to raise revenue for extraordinary expenses incurred by reason of such emergency, to provide emergency relief with respect to agricultural indebtedness, to provide for the orderly liquidation of joint-stock land banks, and of other purposes;, approved May 12, 1933, is amended to read as follows:
“All coins and currencies of the United Stated (including Federal Reserve notes and circulating notes of the Federal Reserve banks and national banking associations) heretofore or hereafter coined or issued, shall be legal tender for all debts, public and private, public charges, taxes, duties, and dues, except that gold coins, when below the standard weight and limit of tolerance provided by law for the single piece, shall be legal tender only at valuation in proportion to their actual weight.’
Approved, June 5, 1933, 4:40 p.m. 31 U.S.C.A. 462, 463
House Joint Resolution 192, 73d Congress, Sess. I, Ch. 48, June 5, 1933 (Public Law No. 10 ) Note: “payment of debt” is now against Congressional and “public policy” and henceforth, “Every obligation . . . Shall be discharged.”
As a result of HJR 192, and from that day forward (June 5, 1933), no one in this nation has been able to lawfully pay a debt or lawfully own anything. The only thing one can do, is tender in transfer of debts, with the debt being perpetual. The suspension of the gold standard, and prohibition against paying debts, removed the substance for our common law to operate on, and created a void as far as the law is concerned. This substance was replaced with a “PUBLIC NATIONAL CREDIT SYSTEM” where debt is “LEGAL TENDER” money.
HJR 192 was implemented immediately. The day after President Roosevelt signed the resolution, the treasury offered the public new government securities, minus the traditional “payable in gold” clause.
192 states that one cannot demand a certain form of currency that they want to receive if it is dollar for dollar. If you review the Modern Money Mechanics article you will discover that all currency is your credit! The Federal Reserve calls it “monetized debt.” ↩︎
U.S.A. The Republic: A Forgotten Foundation
The United States of America was founded on the principles of individual liberty, self-governance, and constitutional law. Yet, today, the Republic envisioned by the Founding Fathers has been systematically eroded. This document explores the historical foundations, legal transformations, and the deleterious implications of these changes on personal freedom and national sovereignty.
The House Left Empty
The Republic established by the Constitution of the United States of America was a unique political structure designed to uphold personal liberty through common law, separation of powers, and government accountability. However, a shift towards centralized authority, economic dependence, and legal entanglements has resulted in a nation where the true Republic exists in name only. The transition from a Constitutional Republic to a democracy based on mass governance and bureaucratic control has led to a gradual loss of personal sovereignty and individual rights.
Divine Right vs. Popular Sovereignty
Throughout history, rulers have claimed divine authority to justify their power over individuals. The American Revolution rejected this concept, establishing a government based on consent rather than monarchical decree. However, modern legislative practices and judicial interpretations have reinstated a system where individuals are once again subject to governing bodies without explicit consent, mirroring feudal subjugation.
The Shift from Republicanism to Democracy
A Republic is based on the rule of law, protecting individual rights of the minority against the tyranny of the majority. Democracy, however, often devolves into majority rule, where popular opinion rather than constitutional principles dictate laws. In the democracy presented to us as our government, you contract with “a registered corporation“ called “UNITED STATES” and “STATE OF STATE”1 and lose your constitutional protection of natural rights to the “contract” to which you have obligated yourself.
The Republic’s Constitution guarantees your right to “unlimited contract”. And you, through deception by our “statutory, corporate façade of a government”, are obligated to honor that contract. Every license, registration, certificate, and citation you sign is a contract with that “statutory, corporate façade of a government“. Over the decades, the “UNITED STATES” (the corporate name that sounds like “the united States of America“[i] republic) has convinced you and the rest of the public that we are a “democracy” in which elected representatives legislate based on political pressure rather than adherence to the Constitution, resulting in an expansive government and diminishing individual autonomy.
Through deception, you are led to believe you have autonomy through measures such as the Civil Rights and Disabilities Acts, among others. But these are actually statutes of a corporation — to which you have unwittingly contracted — that you are obligated to obey or face penalties (for “statutory violations”). There is no guarantee of rights. Legislation and fallacious and malicious “executive orders” grant you privileges and legislation can take them away. In the so-called democracy, 100% of the people must obey the whims of a 51% majority. Worse yet, we all must obey corrupt officials who vote for corporations and themselves – not you and I.
In our Republic, your individual rights are protected even in the face of infringing “laws”. Notice I used the word “law” this time. “legal” and “lawful” are two different things. “Law” refers to “common law” under the Republic. “Legal” refers to the statutes of a corporation. Within all 50 states and federal government statutes, there is a new definition for the word “law”. A law is defined as a statute. So, when the corporation says, “It’s the law”, it is enforcing a deception… completely blinding you as to the difference between “lawful” and “legal”.
The Role of Law: Private vs. Public Jurisdiction
The distinction between “private” and “public” law is crucial in understanding how governance has evolved. Originally, private law governed individual contracts and personal agreements. In contrast, public law was limited to regulating interactions between the government and the governed. However, public municipal law has expanded into private matters, enforcing regulatory compliance that was once outside the scope of government authority. This expansion has been a key mechanism for eroding individual sovereignty.
The 14th Amendment and Its Controversies
One of the most significant changes to the UNITED STATES legal framework (by now you should understand that I am referencing the corporation masquerading as your government) came with the 14th Amendment. Presumably designed to protect civil rights, its vague language has been used to redefine citizenship, jurisdiction, and government control over individuals. The amendment effectively established a “federal citizenship” that supersedes “state sovereignty”, placing individuals under direct federal authority and making them subject to a “legal” system that operates outside traditional constitutional constraints.
It should be noted that we are, first, “nationals” of the state in which we were born or are domiciled[ii]. Nationals are the true Americans. The “Sovereigns”. The word “citizen” means “subject”. The word “sovereign” means “king”. The Magna Carte[iii], the Declaration of Independence[iv], the Constitution for the united States of America, and the Bill of Rights[v] recognize the sovereign authority of the people who create governments. The government is the “citizen” subjected to the people’s authority.
Economic Control and Legal Subjugation
Financial policies and legal mandates have played a significant role in shifting power away from individuals. Removing the gold standard, implementing fiat currency, and establishing a centralized banking system has created an economic framework where government policy rather than market principles control personal wealth and financial autonomy.
The bankers at “Jekyll Island”[vi] were truly diabolical. They did, indeed, laugh all the way to the bank when the public bought the “Federal Reserve Note Scam” hook, line, and sinker. I cannot fathom how an entire nation “ever” believed that any inflation rate is “healthy. … 3%?! … healthy!?” Most of this started in 1913 and got really bad by 1933 when bankruptcy was declared, the gold was confiscated, and the government implemented debt instruments instead of money2.
We have only a fraction of a percent of the purchasing power we had in the early 20th century when all of this started. This loss of purchasing power happens when you allow the government to tax you 3% or more a year (any percentage for that matter) via “inflation”. Inflation[vii] is an insane concept that everyone… and I mean “everyone”… considers to be a normal part of life.
Additionally, licensing requirements, taxation, and regulatory oversight have further entrenched economic dependence on government structures.
Restoring the Republic: A Path Forward
Understanding the legal and economic mechanisms that have led to the erosion of the Republic is the first step toward reclaiming individual liberty. Legal expatriation[viii], self-governance, and economic independence[ix] are avenues through which individuals can reassert their sovereignty. Utilizing constitutional provisions, such as the right to contract[x] and due process, allows for lawful disengagement from coercive government policies.
Conclusion: The Republic Reclaimed
The United States was founded on principles that ensured personal freedom, limited government, and lawful governance based on individual consent. These principles have been undermined through legislative expansion, judicial reinterpretation, and economic manipulation. However, the foundation of the Republic still exists within constitutional law, and reclaiming it is not only possible but necessary for preserving the liberties envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
This document serves as a guide to understanding the transformation of “the united States” to ”UNITED STATES” legal and political system, providing insights into how individuals can navigate and counteract governmental overreach.
True freedom comes not from reliance on political institutions but from personal responsibility and a commitment to lawful self-governance.
Follow me!
Subscribe to my social media and fan site!
Join “my” Private Member Association called “Gar’s World” and support my endeavors. I am happy to provide information and insight. I am happy to pick on “democrats”!!! Why!? Because “democracy“ was considered evil by our founding fathers, who created a “republic”. Don’t be offended if you are a “democrat”. After the past 8 years or so, many people have realized that they actually are not democrats.
If you have read this far, then you definitively are not part of the woke mob. I know this because they are so intolerant that they cannot even read something and consider it for two seconds if it is not part of their MSM (mainstream media) and “academia” echo chamber.
You “are” welcome here. I’ll provide lots of awesome music, photography, art, media, commentary, and “information on the true nature of our republic”. I am motivated to “turn this world on” – to the true “liberty” that is ours for the taking.
“LIBERTY!!!” — Something that not a single person alive today has “actually” experienced.
[i] In the early years of the nation, from the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the years just after the signing of the Constitution for the united States of America, you will see different capitalization styled. The Declaration of Independence, in particular, use the small ‘u’, the united States of America, as a means of declaring that we are a collection of “sovereign states“. ‘united’ is an adjective in this case, rather than being part of a noun. These are important distinctions. When studying the styles used throughout the history of legislation it makes a huge difference on the intention and interpretation of both laws and statutes. Justices adhere to these standards. Judicial decisions will make much more sense to you when you understand that they are actually interpreting “the letter of the law”.
[ii] “domicile” is the appropriate term for a national… an American. “resident” is a legal term in statutes. When in court, or filing legal documents, you call yourself a resident; or when you say you “reside” at an address, you are unwittingly claiming to be a Citizen of the United States (the legal entity, not the living man/woman). The legal system of all 50 states and federally allow police, judges, prosecutors and more, the ability if not duty to make presumptions. They do not have to inform you. You must rebut presumptions that you don’t even know they are making. In other words, this is another way in which you unwittingly subject yourselves to contract with the “statutory, corporate façade of a government“.
[iii] The “Magna Carta”, signed in 1215 by King John of England under pressure from rebellious barons, is one of the most significant legal documents in history. While originally intended to limit the king’s absolute power and protect the feudal rights of the nobility, it laid the foundation for the principle that no ruler is above the law. It came to symbolize the idea that individuals possess inherent rights and that government must be accountable to the people. It established the precedent that leaders must rule with the consent of the governed, influencing later constitutional developments.
[iv] The “Declaration of Independence“, adopted on “July 4, 1776“, is the foundational document of the United States, formally severing ties with Britain and asserting the American colonies’ right to self-governance. Drafted primarily by “Thomas Jefferson”, it boldly proclaims that “all men are created equal” and are endowed with “unalienable rights”, including “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”—rights that no government can justly take away. It establishes that legitimate government derives its power from the “consent of the governed” and that the people have the right to alter or abolish any government that becomes oppressive. More than a declaration of independence, it was a statement of universal human rights and a challenge to tyranny, shaping not only the future of the United States but also inspiring freedom movements worldwide.
[v] The “Bill of Rights”, ratified in 1791 as the first ten amendments to the Constitution for the united States of America, was designed to limit government power and safeguard the “natural rights” of individuals—rights that exist inherently and are not granted by the government. Its purpose was to ensure that freedoms such as speech, religion, self-defense, due process, and protection from tyranny were explicitly recognized and protected from government infringement. Crucially, the Bill of Rights does “not” create or grant these rights; rather, it affirms their preexistence, making it clear that they are “endowed by nature and cannot be revoked at the whim of the state“. If rights were granted by the government, they would be mere privileges subject to control and withdrawal—something the Founding Fathers sought to prevent.
[vi] The “meeting at Jekyll Island“ in 1910 was a secretive gathering of powerful bankers and political insiders that led to the creation of the “Federal Reserve System”—an institution that has since exerted immense control over the “UNITED STATES” economy and the financial lives of its “citizens”. Under the guise of stabilizing the banking system, this clandestine meeting laid the groundwork for a “central banking cartel” that would manipulate currency, inflate the money supply, and impose an economy of perpetual debt on the American people. By wresting control of monetary policy away from the people and their elected representatives, the Federal Reserve has facilitated inflation, economic crises, and the erosion of individual wealth, consolidating power in the hands of financial elites at the expense of national sovereignty and economic freedom.
[vii] “Inflation” occurs when the purchasing power of a currency declines due to an increase in its supply without a corresponding increase in goods and services. Fiat currency (i.e. dollars), which is not backed by a tangible asset, can be printed at will by governments and central banks, leading to inflation and devaluation over time. In contrast, a currency backed by a tangible asset, such as gold or silver is inherently limited in supply, as new issuance is constrained by the availability and extraction of the asset. Or, Bitcoin, having a fixed supply cannot be manipulated or diluted. This natural scarcity prevents arbitrary expansion of the money supply, making true inflation—where the currency loses value due to overproduction—impossible in the way it occurs with fiat money.
[viii] Legal Expatriation isn’t expatriating from the the Republic. it is separating yourself from the corporate “UNITED STATES” through a process of declarations, breaking all the contracts for which there was not full disclosure, etc. More information on this subject can be found at: Federation Of States.
[ix] Economic independence will require enough Americans to recognize that we must stop using Federal Reserve Notes (dollars) and switch to alternative currencies. GOLDBACKS (dollar-sized gold impregnated plastic) are becoming popular. And, of course, crypto is being recognized all over the world as a way to escape fiat currencies and the banking system. You should help out with this and start accumulating some silver, gold, and crypto.
[x] You have the right to contract, as mentioned earlier in this article. When you “register” an LLC or any other form of corporation (even 501c3) you have contracted with the “STATE or FEDERAL façade of a government” and you must obey. But, you can actually create a Private Membership Association, which is simply a contract between you and everyone working with you and all of your customers. [We shouldn’t use terms like “employee” and “customer”. These are statutorily defined terms. As is, “motor vehicle”, “driver” and many other words that when you use in court you are screwing yourself without even knowing it. ]
This convention, often referred to as the “all caps” or “upper case” rule, suggests that:
Fictional entities (e.g., corporations, limited liability companies, etc.) should have their names listed in all capital letters (e.g., “JOHN DOE” – the registered birth certificate security).
Non-fictional entities (e.g., individuals) should have their names listed in proper case (e.g., “John Doe”). ↩︎
On June 5, 1933, Congress passed House Joint Resolution (HJR 192). HJR 192 was passed to suspend the gold standard and abrogate the gold clause in the national constitution. Since then no one in America has been able to lawfully pay a debt. This resolution declared:
“To assure uniform value to the coins and currencies of the Unites States,
Whereas the holding of or dealing in gold affect public interest, and are therefore subject to proper regulation and restriction; and
Whereas the existing emergency has disclosed that provisions of obligations which purport to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency of the United States, or in an amount in money of the United States measured thereby, obstruct the power of the Congress to regulate the value of the money of the United States, and are inconsistent with the declared policy of the Congress to maintain at all times the equal power of every dollar, coined or issued by the United States, in the markets and in the payment of debts,
Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of t Representative of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that
(a) every provision contained in or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give the obligee a right to require payments in gold or a particular kind of coin or currency, or in an amount in money of the United States measured thereby, is declared to be against public policy; and no such provision shall be contained in or made with respect to any obligation hereafter incurred. Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether or not any such provision is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar, in any coin or currency which at time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. Any such provision contained in any law authorizing obligations to be issued by or under authority of the United States, is herby repealed, but the repeal of any such provision shall not invalidate any other provision or authority contained in such law.
(b) As used in this resolution, the term ‘obligation’ means any obligation (including every obligation of and to the United States, excepting currency) payable in money of the United States; and the term ‘coin or currency’ means coin or currency of the United States, including Federal Reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal Reserve banks and national banking associations.
Sec. 2 The last sentence of paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of section 43 of the Act entitled ‘An Act to relieve the existing national economic emergency by increasing agricultural purchasing power, to raise revenue for extraordinary expenses incurred by reason of such emergency, to provide emergency relief with respect to agricultural indebtedness, to provide for the orderly liquidation of joint-stock land banks, and of other purposes;, approved May 12, 1933, is amended to read as follows:
“All coins and currencies of the United Stated (including Federal Reserve notes and circulating notes of the Federal Reserve banks and national banking associations) heretofore or hereafter coined or issued, shall be legal tender for all debts, public and private, public charges, taxes, duties, and dues, except that gold coins, when below the standard weight and limit of tolerance provided by law for the single piece, shall be legal tender only at valuation in proportion to their actual weight.’
Approved, June 5, 1933, 4:40 p.m. 31 U.S.C.A. 462, 463
House Joint Resolution 192, 73d Congress, Sess. I, Ch. 48, June 5, 1933 (Public Law No. 10 )
Note: “payment of debt” is now against Congressional and “public policy” and henceforth, “Every obligation . . . Shall be discharged.”
As a result of HJR 192, and from that day forward (June 5, 1933), no one in this nation has been able to lawfully pay a debt or lawfully own anything. The only thing one can do, is tender in transfer of debts, with the debt being perpetual. The suspension of the gold standard, and prohibition against paying debts, removed the substance for our common law to operate on, and created a void as far as the law is concerned. This substance was replaced with a “PUBLIC NATIONAL CREDIT SYSTEM” where debt is “LEGAL TENDER” money.
HJR 192 was implemented immediately. The day after President Roosevelt signed the resolution, the treasury offered the public new government securities, minus the traditional “payable in gold” clause.
192 states that one cannot demand a certain form of currency that they want to receive if it is dollar for dollar. If you review the Modern Money Mechanics article you will discover that all currency is your credit! The Federal Reserve calls it “monetized debt.” ↩︎
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