  1. Important! Once your account is submitted for deletion, it can take up to 30 days to process your request. We recommend canceling all active memberships prior to submitting your account for deletion
  2. Visit our Privacy policy center and click the Make a Privacy Request button
  3. Select the option to Erase your personal data from our systems
  4. If you are not logged in to your Patreon account, you’ll be asked to log in using your Patreon account credentials
  5. Click the Allow button so that our data deletion partner, Transcend, can view your Patreon account — they must have access to the account to erase it
  6. A window will appear asking you to confirm the erasure of your account and data. The process will take up to 30 days. You have 14 days to stop the process — we will send follow-up emails that you must respond to if you wish to cancel the data deletion 
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Once you’ve submitted your account for deletion, it can take up to 30 days for your data to be erased and for your account to be fully deleted. Our data deletion partner, Transcend, will send email communication to the account email about the status of your deletion request. 

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Your information will never be shared or sold.

I will keep you informed when new content arrives!  

    Data Deletion