If you ask the IRS (or any government agency, for that matter) to explain the meaning of voluntary compliance, you’ll likely get a lot of vague or confusing answers. When I first concluded that filing income tax returns was voluntary (based on all IRS documents) I decided to verify this by reaching out to the IRS directly. I called and asked them…
Me: “Is filing an income tax return based on voluntary compliance?”
IRS: “It is,”
Me: “In that case, I don’t want to volunteer.”
IRS: “You have to volunteer.”
Me: “If I have to volunteer wouldn’t that make compliance compulsory and not voluntary?”
IRS: “No. Voluntary compliance is similar to our motor vehicle laws; you voluntarily stop at a red light. But, if you don’t then you get a ticket!”
Me: “If I could be ticketed then stopping at a red light (or obeying other traffic regulations) is compulsory, and not based on voluntary compliance.”
IRS: “No. You stop voluntarily.”
His reasoning was rooted in the flawed logic that because no one was physically present in the car to force me to stop, I did so voluntarily. If that argument holds, then by the same logic, all criminal laws would be considered voluntary compliance since no one physically stops someone from committing murder, rape, robbery, or other crimes. However, law enforcement never suggests that those laws are based on voluntary compliance.
The agent has been trained to accept and believe this confusing subterfuge. However, the IRS Administration understands that the IRS tax code must be voluntary, otherwise it would be unconstitutional. The IRS obviously indoctrinates all new agents with the red light story, so that they will be able to confuse the public if the question ever comes up.
It is up to you to know your standing under law (the Constitution for the United States of America) and statutes (the corporation masquerading as “government” aka, GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, and STATE OF FLORIDA, etc.) to which you volunteer your money and your liberty (ie, under penalties of perjury.)
I recommend the following book, which covers the issue of statutory IRS code, so that you can come to know that 98.6% of the population is not subject to the statutory code. It is very enlightening and covers the full history of the tax code, and how it was deceptively implemented with intent to swindle the entire population of the nation.
Your own money is used against you 24/7 365 days a year and you are volunteering.
The book can be found at:
A hard copy, and I highly recommend your order 10 copies… one for yourself and 9 to share, can be found at:
The Income Tax is Voluntary
If you ask the IRS (or any government agency, for that matter) to explain the meaning of voluntary compliance, you’ll likely get a lot of vague or confusing answers. When I first concluded that filing income tax returns was voluntary (based on all IRS documents) I decided to verify this by reaching out to the IRS directly. I called and asked them…
Me: “Is filing an income tax return based on voluntary compliance?”
IRS: “It is,”
Me: “In that case, I don’t want to volunteer.”
IRS: “You have to volunteer.”
Me: “If I have to volunteer wouldn’t that make compliance compulsory and not voluntary?”
IRS: “No. Voluntary compliance is similar to our motor vehicle laws; you voluntarily stop at a red light. But, if you don’t then you get a ticket!”
Me: “If I could be ticketed then stopping at a red light (or obeying other traffic regulations) is compulsory, and not based on voluntary compliance.”
IRS: “No. You stop voluntarily.”
His reasoning was rooted in the flawed logic that because no one was physically present in the car to force me to stop, I did so voluntarily. If that argument holds, then by the same logic, all criminal laws would be considered voluntary compliance since no one physically stops someone from committing murder, rape, robbery, or other crimes. However, law enforcement never suggests that those laws are based on voluntary compliance.
The agent has been trained to accept and believe this confusing subterfuge. However, the IRS Administration understands that the IRS tax code must be voluntary, otherwise it would be unconstitutional. The IRS obviously indoctrinates all new agents with the red light story, so that they will be able to confuse the public if the question ever comes up.
It is up to you to know your standing under law (the Constitution for the United States of America) and statutes (the corporation masquerading as “government” aka, GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, and STATE OF FLORIDA, etc.) to which you volunteer your money and your liberty (ie, under penalties of perjury.)
I recommend the following book, which covers the issue of statutory IRS code, so that you can come to know that 98.6% of the population is not subject to the statutory code. It is very enlightening and covers the full history of the tax code, and how it was deceptively implemented with intent to swindle the entire population of the nation.
Your own money is used against you 24/7 365 days a year and you are volunteering.
The book can be found at:
A hard copy, and I highly recommend your order 10 copies… one for yourself and 9 to share, can be found at:
the world according to gar
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